Welcome to St. Theresa of Avila Catholic Church, a pillar of the Eagle community since 1852!
WEEKEND MASSES: Saturday, 4:30 PM; Sunday, 8:30 AM
Tuesday & Thursday: 8:00 AM at St. Theresa;
Wednesday: 6:00 PM, Friday: 8:00 AM at St. James in Mukwonago;
Tuesday, Thursday & Friday: 9:00 AM at St. Peter's in East Troy
Saturday, 3:45-4:15 PM at St. Theresa;
Wed, 5:00-5:45 PM and Sat 3:00-3:30 PM at St. James in Mukwonago
Sat, 4:30 - 5:00 PM at St. Peter's in East Troy
Request for Bid Proposals - Security Grant Project
St Theresa of Avila and St James the Less are accepting bid proposals for security enhancements funded by a grant. Qualified contractors are invited to submit proposals for security improvements, including but not limited to surveillance systems, access control, lighting upgrades, public address and alarm systems.
Please see links for full RFP with all requirement details, deadlines, and contact information.
Our parishes have been very fortunate to receive the FEMA Non-Profit Security Grant to make our campuses safer. This RFP has been publicly posted in the Wisconsin State Journal, but we welcome and encourage interested parishioners who have companies that would be able to respond to our needs.
If anyone desires a hard copy of these documents, please contact Judy Hernke in the parish office.
Pastoral Visit Requests and Referrals Form
Please use the link below to request a pastoral visit for Communion Service, Prayer, Holy Communion, Anointing of the Sick, and visits to the Homebound amongst us.
- Fr. Jordan Berghouse, Pastor - frjordan@stjmuk.org
- Fr. Denny Jacob, Parochial Vicar
- Becky Baker, Director of Administrative Services
- Tammi Day, Director of Music
- Renee Hitt, Adult Formation and Parish Life Coordinator
- Mary Kravchuk, Faith Formation Coordinator (K-6)
- Nancy Boerger, Faith Formation Coordinator (7-12)
- Julie Van Zeeland, Parish Bookkeeper
- Judy Hernke, Parish Secretary
- Kevin Huckstep, Maintenance
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday, 8 AM to 3:30 PM.
Office Closed Friday.